Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Quantitative Methods for Business - Reflective Journal

In the group assignment I have done with my group member for module BUS1804, I have learned a lot statistical techniques. In this assignment, I am doing question 1 on my behalf and also have discussion on question 2 together with my group member. After we have collected all the data from the internet, we started our own part of the assignment.

In question 1, I have used excel to complete the amount of mean, standard deviation, inter quartile range and coefficient of variation that are required. By calculating these amounts, is to measure the spread-ness of the data and the minimum and maximum amount in the data. Besides that, we also used the data that we collected to create histograms for both price and size of the condominium. By looking at the histograms, we can see the skewedness of the data. I also calculate the cumulative frequency to create an ogive graph to allocate the first quartile in the ogive graph which estimate the number condominium that are selling at the price below the first quartile which is 25%.
Other than that, we have also created a regression table with the data we collected in question 1 part b. In that table, we can get the value for r, r square, slope and intercept. By getting all the value, we used them to do a statistical significant test to see whether correlation exists or not. We also draw the bell shape graph to let lecturer and tutor understand what we are doing in the significant test. In the end of part b, we also created a scatter diagram to show the relationship of the price and size of the condominium. For all the interpretation in part c of the question, we refer all from the lecture slides given by the lecturer as a guideline.
However, I committed less in question 2 compare to question 1 because I have focus too much in question 1. Although I provided just a little information in question 2, but I really put a lot of effort in question 1 to complete what is required. We identify the entire possible outcome of rolling 2 dices at a same time. And we also complete the calculation of the required outcome given in the question.
I am very happy doing works with my entire group members; we are all very cooperating with each other. Whenever I have problem in doing the assignment, they always give me suggestion and guidance so that I can complete my work efficiently. On the other hand, when my group members have problem their parts also I will give my full effort to help them from what I know.

By doing this group assignment, I have learned many things such as the statistical theory and concept, regression and probability. Especially my excel techniques, I have improve a lot in my excel techniques when I doing this group assignment.          

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