Saturday, 1 June 2013

BUS1504 English for Business Purposes - Reflective Journal

The importance of academic integrity       

Academic integrity is a culture of honest and mutual trust that value by University of West England (UWE). In the society, knowledge that we learn are all from other people. The ideas and words from them must be acknowledged when we are going to use their ideas or words. By learning academic integrity, I learnt something about referencing. In reality, before we do report, assignment or other works we will do research on the topic that we need and get sources from other people’s work. We have to do referencing when we use someone’s words or tables and stuff.

Academic integrity taught me to be responsible and honest in doing my own work. From that I know I shouldn’t copy other people’s work when I have to do it myself. Besides that, academic integrity also taught me not to cheat or plagiarize in anywhere. The purpose of doing referencing is to avoid plagiarism. By doing proper referencing, we can avoid assessment offences and people will not think that we have stolen their ideas. Doing referencing is a very good academic practice no matter is student or non-student.

The importance to bind to the rule of academic integrity is to prevent people misuse the right of copying. Some students are lazy to complete their own works and they tends to copy and paste from others. This is not ethical if people continue doing this. Schools, college and university bind to the rule of academic is a very good practice for students. By binding to the rule of academic integrity, students will learn from what they do in their own works. The importance for schools, college and university to bind to the rule of academic integrity is to make sure that every single student is learning from what they do.

Academic integrity is very useful in studies. I apply it in my studies by doing referencing in all my assignment to prevent plagiarism. Taylor’s set a limit to the students so that their percentage of plagiarism will not be high. Students cannot get more than the limit Taylor’s set once they get more than the limit, their marks for assessments will be deduct following the plagiarism rule. I always do reference in proper way to avoid high percentage of plagiarism.

From what I learn in academic integrity, I equipped the first Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities which is ‘Discipline specific knowledge’. By practicing academic integrity, I am now able to do proper references in my assignment to avoid plagiarism and be self-discipline by not copying people’s works or assignments. Other than that, I have also learned a lot of things when doing my own assignment. I learnt some when I was doing research for mt assignment, this linked me equipped the second Taylor’s Capabilities which is ‘Lifelong Learning’. I learned many things when studying in Taylor’s and I wish I couldn’t continue learning new things in my future.    

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