Sunday, 10 November 2013


In the module Business Communication BUS1514, students are required to conduct a group assignment that have to write a business report on a company. By conducting this group assignment, we need 3 to 4 member in our own group. The company that we chose is TTC Education that located at Jalan Gasing.
In my expectation, this assignment might be able to done smoothly with corporation of the entire group member. I have this thought is because I joined the tuitions during my high school period and I knew most of the tutor in there. I expect they can provide the information that I need for my assignment. After the interview session, I feel satisfied because I get all the information that me and my group member need to conduct this group assignment. Every single question we asked he also provides proper answer for us.
Basically, the whole process when conducting this group assignment is very well. I went smoothly because we have all the information of TTC Education and this helped us a lot in the assignment. The only problem that we face is time problem. It is quite hard to find a suitable time between four of us and the founder of TTC Education, Mr. Lim You Hang. Mr. Lim as a tutor, he might barely have free time for us to interview. After few times of discussion with Mr. Lim, we finally found a suitable time to meet up with him. By meeting Mr. Lim that is busy, four of us sacrificed our lecture time and went for the interview because it is really hard to meet him. I am satisfied with what we have done for this group assignment, everyone has done their part properly and there is no any other problem other than meeting Mr. Lim.
From this group assignment, I learnt about team work, accommodate and may more. As a team, we have to work everything together only can be efficient and effective. Working alone for group work is not going to be efficient because work as a group can divide the works that we have to do and compile it together in the end and edit. On the other hand, meeting an outsider for an interview we have to accommodate the date, time and place with each other. If we do not accommodate with each other, we will not have the chance to meet Mr. Lim for the interview. Other than that, I also learnt a lot in writing a business report when I conducting this assignment. Now, I know what and which contents are compulsory to add in a business report such as foreword, summary, content page and many more.
In the end, I am very satisfied in conducting this assignment because all of us are very cooperative and this group assignment has been done smoothly.

(473 words)

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